Setting: Interior Top Floor Apartment – Day
Johnny sits in a comfortable armchair, reading by the sunlight coming through the full-length patio windows.
A shadow flashes across Johnny’s book.
Johnny looks up from his book and notices that a large seagull has landed on his patio.
Johnny stands up and waives his arms about to scare off the seagull.
The seagull starts pecking on the window.
Cut To: Exterior Top Floor Patio – Continuous
Johnny opens the patio doors, jumps outside, and screams at the seagull.
The seagull takes flight, but only hovers on the wind just above the patio.
Johnny picks up a hand trowel next to a potted plant and throws it at the seagull, who deftly glides out of the way.
Johnny yells at the hovering seagull as two other seagulls dive down towards him from the opposite direction.
Cut To: Interior Top Floor Apartment – Continuous
Johnny dashes back inside, locks the door behind him, and closes the blinds.
Johnny covers his ears as the squawking of multiple seagulls landing on the patio just outside his window increases.
To Be Continued . . . ?